I have suffered from psoriasis since childhood, because the disease was hereditary. During all that time, I tried a huge number of medicines, but nothing gave the desired effect, and the disease returned after a while. Moreover, pharmaceutical drugs often leave negative consequences and cause allergic reactions. After studying several articles on the internet, I decided to try Yenki Derm, because it had a huge number of positive reviews. Also, the product had a completely natural composition and an acceptable price.
This disease occurred to me due to a hormonal imbalance, immediately after pregnancy. In this period of life, the body is most sensitive to germs and infections. Immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms, I consulted a specialist, because I had never encountered a similar disease before.
The doctor advised me to buy Yenki Derm cream. At first I doubted, because I am used to buying medicine in pharmacies. Nevertheless, I decided to follow the doctor's recommendation and I have not regretted it.
I got psoriasis because of an unhealthy lifestyle, as I liked to abuse bad habits, and my diet left a lot to be desired. Of course, this attitude towards one's own health caused illness. Together with the specialist, we put together a diet for me that included healthy vitamins and minerals.
Also, I decided to order the Yenki Derm cream for a more comprehensive approach and quick recovery. The first thing I liked was the pleasant aroma and cooling effect immediately after application. The consistency of the cream is thick, which allows it to be used quite economically.